Monday, 13 October 2008

I'm a prize winner! (at last)

I'm an avid follower of all things Czech so i always read the online English pages of Radio Prague for a day to day insight into whats happening in the Czech Republic. They feature many interesting articles on daily news, life, culture, history, literature and music amongst other things that i really enjoy clicking through their pages. Every month they have a competion, usually to recognise from clues a famous Czech (living or dead) and you are invited to email in your answer.
Last month i was trawling through as usual and came across the competition. They were asking to name a mystery Czech born person who was a refugee rescued by Sir. Nicholas Winton from Nazi Death camps, taken to England and became a respected film producer and director.
I couldn't believe it. I actually knew the answer! It was Karel Reisz who directed "The French Lieutenant's Woman" starring Meryl Streep and Jeremy Irons. So i dutifully emailed my answer expecting to hear nothing as i have never won anything in my life!
Anyway, i couldn't believe it when a couple of weeks later i received an email from Radio Prague imforming me that i was one of the winners and that they would send me a small prize. Consequently i am now the proud owner of a light purple "Radio Praha" T shirt and a really interesting "History of Prague Radio" booklet.

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